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The Virginia State Police Help Eliminate Auto Theft program presented this year’s HEAT Awards at the Virginia Chiefs of Police Conference on August 26, and the Virginia Sheriffs’ Association Conference on September 24.

Use common sense to protect your ride
Last year, more than 10,500 vehicles were stolen in Virginia. The Virginia State Police HEAT Program is committed to reducing that number. But we can’t do it alone. We need every driver to do their part.
Catalytic Converter Thefts Are on the Rise
Across Virginia—in fact, across the nation—catalytic converter thefts are on the rise. These devices are appealing to thieves because they are quick and easy to steal, and they contain metals more precious than gold—platinum, rhodium and palladium.

About the HEAT program
For more than 25 years, HEAT has been providing Virginians with the knowledge and resources they need to avoid becoming victims of auto theft.
Saying Goodbye to the old HEAT Corvette
For more than 20 years, the HEAT program has used a branded Corvette as a conversation starter to educate the public about vehicle theft prevention. The sports car was originally seized in a drug case and had three Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN) — as a result, the courts ordered it be destroyed when the program was done with it. Visit our display page to see the replacement – our new 2019 Chevrolet Corvette!
About Us
We educate citizens how to prevent the theft of vehicles, a crime that costs Virginians millions of dollars each year.
HEAT provides an online tip submission form for citizens to report information concerning the theft of vehicles, vehicle parts or chop shop operations. Information remains confidential throughout the process, and tips leading to arrests are eligible for rewards of up to $25,000.